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A Day in the Life of the Safety Supervisor on ‘Jackass Forever’

Imagine trying to keep people on Jackass from getting hurt.

Safety is important on any set. If people come to work, they expect to make it through the day unharmed. But there are some movies where a lack of safety for the cast is part of the job.

I’m talking about Jackass movies.

Whether they’re dressing like gorillas and running through a market, crashing golf carts, running too fast on treadmills, or just putting things in their butts, these sets are not the pinnacle of safety.

So what’s it like being the person who monitors all of that? Vice recently sat down with the safety supervisor on the recent Jackass movie to see what it’s like wrangling all these people.

Charlie Grisham is the production’s stunt coordinator. He came from blockbuster movies like Minority Report and The Dark Knight Rises. Then one day he found himself on a set where getting hurt was the objective of the stars.

Grisham helped this gang put finishing touches on stunts and balanced freaking out with laughing while on set.

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Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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