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Cinema Grade Reinvents the Wheel to Make Color Grading More Intuitive and Faster

Color grading workflows and tools have rarely changed in the digital age. Cinema Grade aims to change that.

Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere, and DaVinci Resolve have reigned in the editing space. Each one has a robust set of built-in tools for color grading, but the workflow is handled in slightly different ways.

The downside? A huge learning curve. Especially when it comes to DaVinci Resolve.

For beginners, or creatives that just need a touch of color, the color grading tools from the big three NLE software packages can be an obstacle to the creative process.

That’s where Cinema Grade steps in. Creator Denver Riddle hopes his plugin will make the process of color grading you’re footage more intuitive, and, according to Riddle’s claims, three times faster.

Initially released on the Mac for Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro X, and DaVinci Resolve, Cinema Grade is now officially available for Windows users as of today.

So who says PCs are just for gaming?

But how does Cinema Grade stack up against the heavyweights? Let’s find out.

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Author: Yaroslav Altunin
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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