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How Jabba the Hutt Returned to ‘Star Wars: A New Hope’ After 20 Years

When Star Wars: A New Hope was released in 1977, a sequence with Jabba the Hutt was cut. Twenty years later, George Lucas added the scene back.

It’s 1977. You’re sitting in a dark theater and immediately floored by the opening crawl of Star Wars. Two hours later, the science fiction genre has forever been changed. Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa are on the lips of every nerdy boy and girl.

Skip to 20 years later. You take your kids to see the 1997 rerelease of Star Wars: A New Hope. Excitement rattles your body. You can’t wait to share the magic with your family.

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Author: Yaroslav Altunin
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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