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Is Francis Ford Coppola Still Relevant in the Age of the Blockbuster?

This isn’t another man-screaming-into-the-sky-about-superhero-movies type of moment, but one about the spirit of filmmaking.

Francis Ford Coppola is a name we all resonate with in some way. Whether it is through the cinema, wine, or generational success that lies with his offspring, we all connect with the household name. Many of “the greatest movies ever made” have his name attached to them, making each of his projects an exciting venture that could be celebrated long after everyone who worked on the project is gone.

The 50th anniversary of The Godfather’s release gives us a chance to look at Coppola’s career and at his most ambitious desire to create a film he has been wanting to make for over 40 years—Megalopolis. Could the great American filmmaker still make a hit movie in the era of the blockbuster?

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Author: Alyssa Miller
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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