Explore how Scriptation, Croogloo, WriterDuet, Shot Lister, and ShotDeck can elevate your digital workflow.
At 10 a.m. PST on April 9, 2022, No Film School’s Editor-in-Chief George Edelman is sitting down at the first Founders Roundtable to showcase five tools for film and TV production that are necessary for success. These tools will help you improve your digital workflow and save you valuable time and energy.
The future of technology in film and TV production is evolving quickly, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest and greatest assets to help you stay in touch with digital production. Luckily, we have you covered with this amazing lineup of panelists from Scriptation, Croogloo, WriterDuet, Shot Lister, and ShotDeck.
George will lead the conversation between the founders of these indispensable apps to help the community of filmmakers, video producers, and independent creatives discover new ways to integrate these great tools into their production toolbelt.
Author: Alyssa Miller
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.