Photogrammetry is now making its way into drone tech. Is this the way to 3D model?
Are you a fan of drones? I love seeing their work in film and TV, but now the tech is being used more outside of cinematography.
The Montana-based Skyfish creates drone and acquisition pipelines for non-cinematic industries. Think of power companies surveying powerlines up close or fire departments trying to identify survivors or inspect damaged infrastructure. All of this becomes more efficient with generated 3D models and maps.
While Skyfish tech isn’t made for cinema, the approach can redefine what it means to make 3D models. You can use its drones to model environments for planning angles and camera placement, or recreating entire real-life locations for VFX. What makes Skyfish so cool is that its Skyportal, a web-based photogrammetry processing and analysis platform, can analyze and create 3D models automatically. And with their new Sony camera integration, the quality of these models has skyrocketed.
Check out this demo from Skyfish Drones.
Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.