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Have You Heard This Insane Mike Nichols Caviar Story?

Mike Nichols never compromised with the shots he knew he needed.

It’s funny how film legends grow. Something happens on set one day and everyone is amazed or stunned. Witnesses talk about it to their friends, their friends tell their friends, and suddenly a legend is born. Those legends live on. Movie nerds and cinephiles talk about them, write them down in books, and pass them on.

Recently, I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, How Did This Get Made, and they were talking about erotic thrillers and how they never get made anymore. Then they launched into a story about Mike Nichols’ Regarding Henry I had never heard. It involved shutting down set to get some authentic caviar.

I posed the question to the No Film School staff about the caviar, and our very own Jo Light not only knew the story, she had the source of the legend. After Nichols’ passing, Vanity Fair did a write-up about him. In it, collaborators told stories about Nichols on set.

Actress Susan Forristal told this story:

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Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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