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Is This the Anamorphic Tool Every Cinematographer Is Waiting For?

Big news for anamorphic close-focus cinematographers—bad news for the ACs pulling focus.

Somewhere lost in the constant drone of new digital cinema cameras and the constant string of camera cage improvements and knick-knacks are the tiny rumblings of a budding camera lens revolution which has been years—if not decades—in the making. Nearly every cinematographer in the world seems dead-set on finding the most classic, vintage, and primal lenses to shoot their projects on.

Of course, there are plenty of new lenses from legacy brands coming out, but sadly they don’t always pique the filmmaking zeitgeist as much as it should. The lenses just don’t seem to have any personality, even if they are sharp as a tack with amazing autofocus motors.

But now, another new series of anamorphic lenses is set to hit the market. Meet the TECHNOVISION Large Format 1.5X AproXima lenses from P+S Technik. Will the greater film and video world will finally turn and notice?

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Author: Jourdan Aldredge
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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