Opening title sequences are typically the first thing you see when watching a movie or a TV show.
This post was written by Lisa McNamara and originally appeared on Insider on Sept. 12, 2022.
And the best ones do more than just tell you the name and the people who star in it or worked on it—they’re there to represent the plot or themes through moving images, typography, and music. They set your expectations for the feel of the show, and entice you to keep watching.
They’re also entertaining and intriguing in their own right, mini-masterpieces requiring teams of artists to conceive and create.
Think back to some of the most iconic title sequences in recent memory: David Fincher’s Se7en, South Park, Mad Men, Spider-Man: No Way Home. Each one is completely unique in style, but with a common thread—they were all created by Imaginary Forces, the LA-based creative studio whose work has won more awards than we can easily count.
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This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.