This filmmaker takes you through pre-production all the way to the festival circuit.
This post was written by Robert Gregson.
I recently finished the festival run for my award-winning psychological thriller short, A Good Couple, and it just premiered online over at Film Shortage. From pre-production through post, here are some of the most useful things I learned throughout the process of making this film and my other shorts.
Check out the teaser below.
Workshop the Script & Vision
After a few drafts of the script, I shared it with a small circle of friends for feedback. I discovered that there were opportunities to remove exposition, change things about the characters to enhance the conflict, and clarify the logic of the film. I also mapped the story beats against Dan Harmon’s story circle, which helped me restructure the story so that certain beats came earlier, and the ending had more of a sense of calling back to the story’s start while showing a shift in the main character’s world.
Author: Guest Author
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.