Harley Quinn is a hilariously vulgar animated series that explores important topics with comedic ease, leading to a seriously entertaining show.
This post was written by Meagan Keane and originally appeared on Adobe blog on Sept. 12, 2022.
In season 3 of the Warner Bros. Animation series Harley Quinn, the audience experiences a new side of Harley Quinn as she and her girlfriend, Poison Ivy, attempt to navigate the ups and downs of a healthy adult relationship. Just as any supportive girlfriend would, Harley pushes Ivy to revisit her old passion project of eco-terrorism to stop climate change and save the earth. While Ivy is strengthening her own plant powers, Harley also sees her own independence and power grow, now that she is out from under the thumb of her ex-boyfriend the Joker. Harley Quinn is a hilariously vulgar animated series that explores important topics with comedic ease, leading to a seriously entertaining show.
Author: Sponsored Content
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.