What were your favorite movies of 2022-2023? Learn from their screenplays!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Yes, when the studios make Oscar pushes for their films, and we get to check out their screenplays!
The Academy Award-nominated screenplays are a must-read for me every year. There’s so much you can learn from them, and you also get to see a wide array of writer voices on the page.
If you’ve read us in the past, you know this is a live article. What I mean by that is that as studios release more screenplays, I’ll add them here.
These are the 2022 movies that will likely be nominated for the Best Original and Best Adapted Screenplay awards by the Academy.
That’s why we’re assembling this list of PDFs of some of the best writing of the year. As the studios make more available, we’ll add more. And once the nominations are out, we’ll group them below. So bookmark this page to come back to!
NOTE: These screenplays are free and legal to download for educational purposes. The studios will only keep them online throughout the awards season.
Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.