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What Is a Colloquialism? Definition and Examples for Writers

Hey, y’all, we’re going over colloquialisms today. It’s going to be wicked hardcore.

You know that thing when someone is talking to you and you immediately know where they’re from? This happens to me a lot. Not the predicting where they’re from part, but the being easily identifiable. I say “wooder” and people immediately peg me for someone from Philadelphia.

And there are lots of idioms like “jawn” and “the Cowboys suck” that would give me away too. So what do we call these turns of phrase? Well, many of them are colloquialisms.

Today, we’re going to go over colloquialisms. We’ll define them, show examples in literature, film, and TV, and go over the purpose of using them in your writing.

Sound good? Let’s get started.

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Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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