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How ‘Iron Butterflies’ Writer/Director Shines a Light on the Truth of MH17 Tragedy

Some stories must be told on an international stage.

Documentaries are crafted in a way that forces the audience to examine a situation through the lens of the director. At Sundance, these stories are bigger than ourselves. They demand a stage that the world will look at. Ukrainian filmmaker Roman Liubyi did just this with his documentary, Iron Butterflies.

The documentary follows the consequences of MH17, which was shot down by Russian forces over eastern Ukraine, killing 298 people on board. This attack’s ramifications showcased how the Russian propaganda machine is still turning, often explaining away the voluminous evidence. In a world where a war crime can be defended by lies, Liubyi confronts this issue through a wealth of visual material, individual testimonies, and an artful examination of a turning point in world history.

Liubyi sat down with No Film School at Sundance to discuss his process behind this incredibly thoughtful documentary, and what his hopes are for Iron Butterflies’ place in cinema and history.

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Author: Alyssa Miller
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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