A simple plugin that enables syncing of multiple camera angles by audio or timecode.
LumaFusion is a great tablet-based video editor for mobile filmmakers and other content creators looking to put together a video on the fly.
But what has eluded the app up until now is the ability to switch between multiple cameras shooting video at once. With Luma’s new MultiCam Studio, the game has changed.
Let’s get into it.
An App-Based Plugin
MultiCam Studio works in concert with the traditional LumaFusion app and acts as a kind of plugin so editors can create a multicam workflow within the LumaFusion timeline.
The app, which is available for iOS and iPadOS, syncs up multiple camera clips by time code using the Multicam container, aligning audio waveforms and creating a master multi-cam clip that can then be used to switch between clips with a simple tap. Camera angles are also color-coded so that they become easier to see on the timeline.
Author: James DeRuvo
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.