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Did Disney Censor ‘The French Connection’ Across All Streaming Networks?

The censorship of art is never okay.

Disney bought Fox a few years ago in 2019, thus inheriting a catalog with many movies that were made for adults. This has put them in a uniquely difficult position as they figure out what to put on their platforms, usually reserved for family films.

Ever since the demise of physical media, we’ve seen companies swoop in to overreach and change things within film and TV shows, but Disney has been especially active. they took out the butt in Splash and then put it back in, and now they’ve messed with The French Connection.

Well, we presume they messed with it since they are the owners of the film. All we know is that a 52-second piece of the film was removed due to the words Gene Hackman’s character of Popeye Doyle speaks within it.

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Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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