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How Will Apple’s Vision Pro Keyboard Actually Work?

Let’s look a bit closer into how Apple’s VR keyboard and other controls will function.

With WWDC now come and gone, there’s been a lot to unpack. From news of the new M2 Ultra, a new lineup of MacBook Air laptops, and of course this new VR/AR headset, we’ve been busy trying to fully explore each story thoroughly. However, even with plenty of news and hands-on reviews hitting the internet, there are still so many questions to be answered.

Most of the questions have to do with Apple Vision Pro and the bold new future it envisions, yet only lightly describes.

Luckily, at a recent developer session, Apple lifted the veil a bit more on how users will eventually be interacting with Vision Pro, most notably about how eyes and hands will be the primary way of using the headset with the support of both physical and virtual keyboards and other controls.

Let’s take a look at this new virtual workflow and see how it might be a future part of your own one day.

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Author: Jourdan Aldredge
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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