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Why Netflix Is Using Machine Learning To Train AI To Do Match Cuts

Can an algorithm really decide the best way to make a cut?

To be fair, there are a lot of exciting—and arguably good things—going on in the world of AI right now when it comes to filmmaking and video production. We’ve covered lots of cool AI tools and features designed to make the life of a video professional easier and more streamlined.

However, as we’ve also covered, there might simply be certain elements of filmmaking that AI will (probably) never truly replace.

One of those areas of filmmaking expertise might have to do with video editing itself, and the many nuanced and creative decisions which a video editor chooses to make to turn a bunch of footage into a cohesive, and emotive, story.

Yet, despite this Netflix has recently let it slip that they’re hard at work feeding hundreds of thousands of hours of footage from their streaming shows and movies through a machine learning algorithm to train a new AI to craft match cuts.

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Author: Jourdan Aldredge
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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