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Movies Have Always Been Made to Sell – We Want Movies To Share

Home Free is the stoner college comedy designed to start a movement!

This post was written by Lenny Barszap and Aaron Brown, filmmakers of ‘Home Free.’

In 1997, as sophomores at the University of Texas at Austin, we invited an unhoused former professor living in the park to crash on our porch. Home Free is a retelling of that story for all to hear. It is a fun, silly, nostalgic, greatest-hits retelling of all the hilarious, dumb shit we did in college. But it’s also about homelessness, one of the biggest social crises facing our country today—a tragic subject we often witness and choose to walk right by. Unfortunately, no one wants to watch a movie about it.

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Author: Guest Author
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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