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10 Cinematography Tips Inspired by Emmanuel Lubezki

Learn to shoot like Chivo.

There’s something different you feel when shooting a movie shot by Emmanuel Lubezki. His touch is all over every frame. There’s an immersive experience as you slip into the world he gives you.

Lubezki shot movies like Birdman, The Tree of Life, Sleepy Hollow, Ali, and Gravity. He’s constantly elevating his game and challenging himself to think outside the box. As fans of his, we know there are a ton of lessons his work can pass on to us.

I compiled a list of ten things that Lubezki does better than almost anyone else.

10 Cinematography Tips Inspired by Emmanuel Lubezki

Emmanuel Lubezki, widely known as Chivo, is one of the most influential cinematographers of our time. With his exceptional talent and visionary approach to filmmaking, so let’s see how his approach can be emulated by you and what lessons he can teach us.

1. Embrace Natural Light

The world around you can sometimes be the best lighting source possible. If you know how to harness it.

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Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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