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What To Think About When Budgeting Your Short Film

What are some things to think about when creating your first budgeted short film?

This post was written by Stephanie Ruiz.

Is this your first short film? Are you contemplating taking the leap of faith and creating your very first project, but wondering, “Where do I even start?”

First, let me tell you we’ve all been there. Secondly, congrats that’s a very big deal, and get ready because you’re going to kill it!

Now that I have successfully produced three short films, Hope You Feel Better, One Odd Dream, and She Dead, and directed two, Hope You Feel Better and Nose Goes while currently in pre-production for my fourth short film/ proof of concept, Happy Anniversary.

I feel that I can confidently give you six tips that might be helpful to you when preparing your first budgeted film.

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Author: Guest Author
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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