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The Joy of Networking in Hollywood!

Networking … do you have to do it? Yes. Is it awful? No. It doesn’t have to be. It’s actually much easier than you realize!

In today’s episode, No Film School’s Charles Haine, GG Hawkins, and Jason Hellerman discuss:

  • Networking—it doesn’t happen at networking events
  • Pacing the amount of alcohol you drink while networking
  • Some great go-to questions you can ask others
  • Connecting with others outside the usual way we network
  • Why you need to be able to have normal human chit chat
  • The questions you should always have prepared answers for
  • Why you should brag on your friends when networking
  • Remembering people’s names – you need to improve this skill

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This episode of The No Film School Podcast was produced by GG Hawkins.

Author: NFS Staff
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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