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Recap: All the Breaking News Out of Sundance

As the Sundance Film Festival wraps up, the buzz is just beginning. From groundbreaking premieres to innovative storytelling that pushed the boundaries of cinema, this year’s festival felt really special to us.

And not just because we threw a fantastic party and gave away a camera.

No Film School has been on the ground, soaking in every moment, from the electric atmosphere of opening night to the final, reflective hours of the festival’s close. Our coverage has spanned across the board, offering insights into the latest in film technology, in-depth interviews with emerging and established talents, and first-hand reviews of the most talked-about films.

Let’s recap it together here.

What Happened During Sundance 2024?

The Festival

The Cameras

The Filmmakers

Let us know your favorite part in the comments.

No Film School’s coverage of Sundance 2024 is brought to you by Canon.

Author: NFS Staff
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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