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Packaging and the Death of Naked Specs

The days of selling specs without talent attached are over. It’s now the filmmaker’s job to understand how to package their projects. While many were opposed to packaging in the past, there are effective ways to approach the process that will leave you feeling empowered.

In today’s episode, No Film School’s Charles Haine, GG Hawkins, and Jason Hellerman discuss:

  • The benefits and drawbacks of packaging
  • Why Hollywood is risk averse right now
  • Packaging through the eyes of a writer or director
  • Naked specs – what are they?
  • What the packaging process looks like
  • Writing specs that can realistically be created
  • Why AI will not eliminate the need for skilled creatives
  • Collaborating with others so they feel comfortable and seen
  • The problems of measuring stardom


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This episode of The No Film School Podcast was produced by GG Hawkins.

Author: NFS Staff
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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