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Defining the Tragedy Movie

The genre of tragedy has been a staple of storytelling since ancient times. People love sad movies, and these weepers wind up bringing a lot of tears out of us.

With its focus on powerful emotions, complex characters, and the exploration of the human condition, tragedy continues to captivate audiences in the world of film and television.

So today, I wanted to go over the tragedy genre and see what we can learn from it.

Let’s dive in.

Tragedy Genre Definition

Tragedy Genre Definition

A tragedy is a form of drama that depicts the downfall or destruction of a central character, often someone of noble stature or exceptional qualities.

This downfall is typically triggered by a combination of factors, such as the character’s own flaws, external forces, or cruel twists of fate.

The tragic narrative explores themes of suffering, loss, the struggle against overwhelming odds, and the often devastating consequences of human actions.

Tragedy Movie Tropes

Tragedy Movie Tropes

The tragedy genre in film has a unique power to break our hearts and illuminate the darkest corners of the human experience.

From the classic heroes felled by their own flaws to modern tales of despair, tragic movies rely on certain recurring elements—familiar patterns that amplify our sense of the inevitable and evoke a profound emotional response.

Here’s some tropes you can play with in your work.

Character-Driven Tropes

  • The Tragic Hero: The protagonist, often possessing noble qualities or a high social standing, but ultimately undone by internal factors or external circumstances.
  • Hamartia (Fatal Flaw): A fundamental character flaw, (like pride, jealousy, ambition, etc.) that leads to destructive decisions and consequences.
  • Hubris: Excessive arrogance or pride that blinds the tragic hero, making them overestimate their abilities or underestimate the forces against them.
  • The Antagonist: While not always a traditional villain, the antagonist can be a person, institution, or even an abstract force (like fate or societal pressures) that opposes the protagonist.

Narrative Tropes

  • Peripeteia: A sudden reversal of fortune, the critical moment when the hero’s luck turns from good to bad.
  • Anagnorisis: A breakthrough moment of realization for the tragic hero, where they understand their fatal flaw, mistake, or the true nature of their circumstances.
  • Downer Ending: Tragedies rarely conclude happily. The protagonist might die, lose everything, or be left in a state of despair.
  • Inevitable Downfall: The sense that the protagonist’s fate is sealed, no matter how they struggle.
  • Despair Event Horizon: The point of no return, where the hero’s situation is irreversible.

Thematic Tropes

  • The Struggle Against Fate: The protagonist wrestles against forces beyond their control, be it the gods, destiny, or societal constraints.
  • The Price of Power and Ambition: Exploring the dangers of unchecked ambition and the sacrifices made on the path to greatness.
  • The Cost of Revenge: Revenge cycles and how the pursuit of retribution ultimately leads to greater destruction.
  • Consequences of Actions: How seemingly small choices can have far-reaching and tragic consequences.

Additional Tropes

  • Dramatic Irony: The audience knows something crucial that the tragic hero does not.
  • Fallen Hero: If the tragic hero survives, they often lose status, power, or loved ones.
  • Catharsis: The emotional purge felt by the audience, a sense of pity, fear, and perhaps even understanding of the human condition.

Examples of Tragedy Movies

Examples of Tragedy Movies

This is not an exhaustive list, but I wanted to set you on the right course when it comes to viewing. Here are some of my favorite tragedies below.

Classic Shakespearean Tragedies:

  • Romeo and Juliet (various film versions)
  • Hamlet (various film versions)
  • Othello (various film versions)
  • Macbeth (various film versions)

Modern Tragedies

  • The Godfather Trilogy: chronicles the downfall of a crime family.
  • Schindler’s List: a heartbreaking depiction of the Holocaust.
  • Requiem for a Dream: a brutal exploration of addiction and despair.
  • The Pianist: true story of a Polish musician struggling to survive the Holocaust.
  • American History X: a neo-Nazi’s destructive path and its consequences.
  • Manchester by the Sea: a man grappling with overwhelming grief.
  • 12 Years a Slave: a powerful depiction of slavery in America.

Romantic Tragedies

  • Titanic: a love story interwoven with a historical disaster.
  • Brokeback Mountain: explores forbidden love and societal constraints.
  • The Fault in Our Stars: young love struck by terminal illness.
  • Atonement: misunderstandings and lies lead to tragic consequences.
  • Blue Valentine: a failed marriage told in a nonlinear narrative.

Psychological Tragedies

  • The Shining: a man’s descent into madness.
  • Joker : a mentally disturbed individual’s path to destructive violence.
  • Black Swan: a ballerina’s obsession with perfection takes a dark turn.

Tragedies resonate so deeply because they confront us with some of the most profound and unsettling aspects of the human experience. We witness the fragility of life, the potential for our good intentions to backfire, and the struggle for justice and meaning in an often indifferent world.

While tragic stories can be emotionally difficult, they offer a unique power. Through catharsis, they allow us to process and empathize with complex emotions, and emerge with a heightened understanding of ourselves and humanity as a whole.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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