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Ready to Let ChatGPT Guide You Through Your Filmmaking Process?

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and the yet-to-released generative video model Sora, has seemingly shocked the world once again with a preview of its new ChatGPT-4o that promises to be much faster than previous models as well as offer improved capabilities across text, vision, and audio.

It also notably has a flirty, female voice that many online (including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman) are likening to the Scarlett Johansson voiced AI character in Spike Jonze’s film Her. This new voice model will be able to act as a voice assistant and respond in real-time by observing the world around you.

And, as we see in the OpenAI demo, it looks like this new ChatGPT voice model will also be able to help developers and creators with all types of technical tasks like translating, solving math equations, and—perhaps eventually—video editing and other film production processes.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4o

In a blog post from OpenAI, the company confirms that ChatGPT-4o is going to be rolled out iteratively, but has already released a version to help with text and image capabilities here right away.

For those curious, the “o” in ChatGPT-4o stands for “omni” and is supposed to signal a step towards a much more “natural human-computer interaction.” And, while we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out the odd word choice of “natural” here, the new technology does sound quite impressive with its ability to accept any combination of text, audio, and image inputs to generate any new combination of text, audio, and image outputs.

ChatGPT-4o’s response to these audio inputs in particular can be sent out in as little as 232 milliseconds, which OpenAI shares is similar to “natural” human response time.

Ready to Let ChatGPT Edit for You?

Perhaps the most interesting element of this news for filmmakers and video editors is the parts of the ChatGPT-4o demo that show the AI technology problem-solving different equations, and even providing feedback based on the user “showing” the AI what they’re working on with a camera.

This demo in particular stands out:

What Do You Think Comes Next?

If ChatGPT-4o is going to be able to guide students through complex math problems, who’s to say that it won’t be able to help aspiring video editors learn how to operate Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve when they boot it up for the first time?

And, not only that, if you’re a video editor and experiencing some sort of technical problem or issue that you’re looking to solve, it’s easy to imagine ChatGPT being able to help you troubleshoot what you’re doing wrong—perhaps more quickly than if you were to Google it yourself and read through several recommended walkthroughs.

Honestly, though, all of this AI technology is starting to move faster than any of us can wrap our heads around. It’d be naive to think we could pinpoint exactly how this technology could evolve and either improve or replace video editors and other creative art forms, however—rest assured—changes are coming sooner rather than later.

Author: Jourdan Aldredge
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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