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A List of Strong Verbs for Writers

As a writer, I am always looking for the right words to put into my screenplay. I want what I put onto paper to be evocative, real, and powerful.

To do that, I often need to find the right strong verbs for the job.

In the realm of writing, verbs are the unsung heroes, the driving force behind every sentence. They propel narratives forward, infuse emotions into characters, and paint vivid imagery in the reader’s mind. Whether you’re crafting a heart-wrenching novel, a persuasive essay, or a captivating poem, the right verbs can elevate your writing from mundane to mesmerizing.

Hopefully, this list helps your story come together and takes you somewhere you never thought possible.

Let’s dive in.

Strong Verbs

Strong Verbs

Verbs of Creation and Construction

  • Assemble
  • Build
  • Concoct
  • Craft
  • Cultivate
  • Design
  • Engineer
  • Fabricate
  • Forge
  • Formulate
  • Generate
  • Mold
  • Produce
  • Sculpt
  • Synthesize
  • Weave

Verbs of Sound and Voice

  • Bellow
  • Boom
  • Chirp
  • Crackle
  • Growl
  • Hiss
  • Howl
  • Murmur
  • Roar
  • Rumble
  • Scream
  • Shriek
  • Sizzle
  • Snap
  • Squeak
  • Thunder
  • Trill
  • Warble
  • Whisper

Verbs of Light and Dark

  • Beam
  • Blaze
  • Dazzle
  • Flicker
  • Glimmer
  • Gleam
  • Glow
  • Illuminate
  • Radiate
  • Shimmer
  • Sparkle
  • Twinkle
  • Darken
  • Dim
  • Eclipse
  • Fade
  • Obscure
  • Shadow

Verbs of Taste and Smell

  • Devour
  • Gulp
  • Nibble
  • Savor
  • Inhale
  • Sniff
  • Waft

Verbs of Weather and Nature

  • Billow
  • Blossom
  • Brew
  • Cascade
  • Churn
  • Drift
  • Erupt
  • Gust
  • Howl
  • Rage
  • Ripen
  • Rustle
  • Scatter
  • Surge
  • Swirl
  • Wilt

Verbs of Time and Change

  • Accelerate
  • Anticipate
  • Dawdle
  • Delay
  • Endure
  • Evolve
  • Hasten
  • Linger
  • Persist
  • Postpone
  • Procrastinate
  • Rush
  • Tarry
  • Wither

Verbs of Mystery and Intrigue

  • Allude
  • Conceal
  • Conspire
  • Decipher
  • Elucidate
  • Enigmatize
  • Evade
  • Hint
  • Lurk
  • Obscure
  • Shroud
  • Unravel
  • Veil

Verbs of Power and Authority

  • Command
  • Dictate
  • Dominate
  • Empower
  • Enforce
  • Govern
  • Influence
  • Lead
  • Manipulate
  • Overrule
  • Preside
  • Reign
  • Rule

Verbs of Deception &andManipulation

  • Beguile
  • Betray
  • Camouflage
  • Con
  • Deceive
  • Disguise
  • Dupe
  • Ensnare
  • Hoodwink
  • Mislead
  • Outwit
  • Swindle
  • Trick

Verbs of Investigation and Discovery

  • Analyze
  • Deduce
  • Detect
  • Discern
  • Examine
  • Explore
  • Ferret
  • Probe
  • Research
  • Scrutinize
  • Uncover
  • Unearth

Verbs of Movement in Nature

  • Bob
  • Flutter
  • Meander
  • Ripple
  • Rustle
  • Sway
  • Undulate
  • Waver

Verbs of Cooking and Preparation

  • Bake
  • Blanch
  • Braise
  • Broil
  • Caramelize
  • Chop
  • Dice
  • Drizzle
  • Fry
  • Grate
  • Grill
  • Marinate
  • Mince
  • Poach
  • Roast
  • Sauté
  • Sear
  • Simmer
  • Steam
  • Stir-fry
  • Whip
  • Whisk

Verbs of Technology and Innovation

  • Automate
  • Calculate
  • Compute
  • Debug
  • Encrypt
  • Execute
  • Interface
  • Optimize
  • Program
  • Render
  • Simulate
  • Streamline
  • Upgrade

Verbs of Conflict and Resolution

  • Argue
  • Bicker
  • Clash
  • Compromise
  • Debate
  • Disagree
  • Feud
  • Mediate
  • Negotiate
  • Quarrel
  • Reconcile
  • Resolve
  • Squabble
  • Wrangle

Verbs of Celebration and Festivity

  • Carouse
  • Celebrate
  • Commemorate
  • Feast
  • Frolic
  • Rejoice
  • Revel

Verbs of Nature’s Beauty

  • Bloom
  • Blossom
  • Effervesce
  • Glisten
  • Radiate
  • Shimmer
  • Sparkle
  • Thrive
  • Unfurl

Verbs of Water

  • Cascade
  • Drip
  • Drown
  • Flow
  • Gush
  • Lap
  • Overflow
  • Plunge
  • Ripple
  • Splash
  • Spray
  • Surge
  • Trickle

Verbs of Movement (Body)

  • Beckon
  • Blink
  • Bow
  • Brandish
  • Embrace
  • Flinch
  • Frown
  • Gesture
  • Grimace
  • Nod
  • Shrug
  • Smirk
  • Sneer
  • Wink

Verbs of Helping and Support

  • Aid
  • Assist
  • Bolster
  • Comfort
  • Console
  • Counsel
  • Encourage
  • Guide
  • Mentor
  • Nurture
  • Reassure
  • Solace
  • Sustain
  • Uplift

Verbs of Hindrance and Obstruction

  • Bar
  • Block
  • Clog
  • Confine
  • Curb
  • Delay
  • Deter
  • Frustrate
  • Hamper
  • Hinder
  • Impede
  • Inhibit
  • Obstruct
  • Restrict
  • Stymie
  • Thwart

Verbs of Sound (More Specific)

  • Clank
  • Clang
  • Ding
  • Gurgle
  • Hiss
  • Hoot
  • Jingle
  • Moan
  • Pop
  • Rattle
  • Ring
  • Screech
  • Squeal
  • Thud
  • Tick
  • Toot
  • Whoosh

Verbs of Business and Finance

  • Acquire
  • Allocate
  • Amass
  • Audit
  • Budget
  • Invest
  • Liquidate
  • Market
  • Merge
  • Outsource
  • Profit
  • Regulate
  • Subsidize
  • Transact

Hope these help your next screenplay!

Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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