When things get tough, what are some inspirational quotes that keep you going?
One that I often go back to is a poem from Charles Bukowski. It’s called, “So You Wanna Be a Writer” and it contains the truth of the process, the life, and the beauty of what it means to actually be a writer.
You can read it here, or scroll down and listen to a performance of it. The poem was originally from the book Sifting Through the Madness for the Word, the Line, the Way’ by Charles Bukowski.
Check it out and let’s talk after.
‘So You Wanna Be A Writer’ by Charles Bukowski
This poem by Charles Bukowski delves into the heart of what it truly means to be a writer. All the joy, the pain, the phoniness, and everything in between. It’s a raw and honest exploration of the motivations, struggles, and dedication required to succeed.
One of the reasons I go back to this again and again is because Bukowski emphasizes writing from an inner compulsion, not for external rewards.
See, if you’re trying to get rich and famous, any other career is a better idea. But if you’re trying to be creative and honest and to tell the truth with your words, this may be the line of work for you.
Screenwriters should be driven by a love for storytelling and filmmaking, rather than solely by potential financial success.
There are just so few people who make it. Writing, especially screenwriting, involves a ton of rejection. I have been doing it over ten years and every year of my career I’ve seen setbacks, self-doubt, and changes in the industry way beyond my control.
Bukowski acknowledges the struggle and encourages writers to persevere if they genuinely feel the need to express themselves through their craft.
There are so many times I have almost quit this business, ehere I’ve gotten so low and felt like I just could never type another word.
But I come back to it because I have to do it. Because I care so much about the stories I’m telling, and the therapy it gives me to bring them to the world for other people to talk about as well.
So, I hope this poem does he same thing for you.
Let me know what inspires you in the comments.
Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.