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Don’t Sacrifice Creative: ‘A House is Not A Disco’ DP & Editor Share Tools on Staying Lean, Nimble

You don’t have to have high-end tech or complicated processes to create your film. You just need an open mind and a passion for the story you are telling, as we’ll learn from this week’s episode from the DP and editor of A House Is Not a Disco.

Don’t Sacrifice Creative: ‘A House is Not A Disco’ DP & Editor Share Tools on Staying Lean, Nimble

In today’s episode, No Film School’s GG Hawkins speaks with cinematographer Eric Schleicher and editor Blake Pruitt to discuss:

  • How Eric and Blake landed on this film
  • Why the sound designer had to create sound effects
  • Having everything outlined and organized in a Google Doc
  • What gave the film a kaleidoscopic structure
  • Asking for consent to film party scenes
  • Keeping the operating team small during production
  • Matchframing – what it is and why it’s so helpful in the edit
  • Challenges during the shoot and the edit
  • The beauty of not having a production company fund the film
  • Making the space to do projects you’re interested in

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This episode of The No Film School Podcast was produced by GG Hawkins.

Author: NFS Staff
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.

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