There have been a lot of movies I liked in 2024, but the movie I loved was Thelma. It’s the story of an elderly woman who has her identity stolen, but it’s also so much more.
It’s about love, relationships, aging, and family.
The star of the movie is June Squibb, who infuses every beat of the movie with heart.
I was honored to interview her for No Film School, and to talk to her about starring in this movie at 94 years old.
Take a read below.
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No Film School: In Thelma, you get to be the titular role at the age of 94. What was it like to take on this character, and did you learn anything new about yourself or your process during production?
June Squibb: I felt I understood Thelma when I first read the script, but I always study a lot before shooting. I always feel the script has it all. I learned a lot about my stamina while shooting, and I felt it was a very relaxed set, and that always helps.
NFS: Thelma has received critical acclaim and resonated with audiences. Why do you think this story is connecting with people so strongly?
Squibb: Thelma has a lovely story about an aging heroine. Audiences want her to get her money back and are thrilled when she does. I think the humor in the film intrigues the audience.
NFS: Thelma has a fantastic mix of humor and depth. Was there a particular scene that you found most challenging or rewarding?
Squibb: The most challenging scene was in Mona’s house. The house was hard to navigate, and the steps were steep. It was a physical thing for me. The most rewarding was the cemetery scene. Having Fred as my scene partner was a joy. We work very much alike. I related to that scene in my first reading of the script. I was eager to film it.
NFS: The character of Thelma is so well drawn. How do you work with a director to create your character?
Squibb: I always like to go in with my ideas or what seems natural to the roles and then have the director come in with ideas to mold, finish, or even change the role. Josh and I worked very much in that way.
NFS: Do you have any advice for actors just starting their careers now?
Squibb: Yes, I have some advice to actors just coming into the business. Don’t try to have a career as an actor unless you really have to. It’s hard, and the only way to stay is to need it so much that there is no other way. But if you decide to do it, stick to it. Don’t turn anything down, and work every chance you get.
Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.