The 2023 film Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig and co-written with Noah Baumbach, marks a significant cinematic milestone as the first live-action adaptation of the…
Sony World Photography Awards finalists The World Photography Organization has announced the professional category finalists and shortlisted photographers for the Sony World Photography Awards 2024.…
Forty-six years ago in 1979 an isolated cinephile in the forest of Northern Ontario set out with a dream. That dream, you ask? To build…
Another day, another revolutionary AI tool is unleashed on the earth. Well, in this case, just announced during the Hot Pod Summit in Brooklyn this…
Have you ever sat to write but had no idea what should happen when in your story? While tools like outlines and treatments help, it…
At some point or another, we all have told a story to a friend. If we’re tight on time, we’ve given them the highlights —…
When I sit down to write, it’s kind of a slog. I try to build out my idea as best I can from logline to…
Photo: MPB If you feel stuck in a creative rut, one of the best ways to improve your skills and expand your photography is by…
Introduction Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2021. With the 2024 release of the Fujifilm X100VI, we have updated the story to include…
The 2024 CP+ Expo is officially over. While our coverage will continue with interviews rolling out over the coming weeks (and some of our staff…