When it comes to important directors, Martin Scorsese may be at the top of the list. And that’s not just because he’s delivered some all-time classics, but because he has dedicated his life to the art of film. He’s expanded the global reach of the medium and selflessly brought so many artists to the forefront of the conversation.
Ranking Martin Scorsese’s movies felt like an impossible task. There is something I love about all of them, and some part of his soul is trapped in the celluloid of each.
But I also have to get paid, so I forced myself to pick my top 11.
Let’s drive into my list.
11. Casino
This is sort of a twisted family narrative about a guy trying to build something and then seeing his creation almost leave him behind. I love the glitz in this movie, Scorsese understands Vegas is all for show.
10. Killers of the Flower Moon
Though a recent film, it’s a movie I think about all the time. Scorsese understands loss and inaction. He asks questions about morality and justice in ways I think are still bold.
9. The Last Temptation of Christ
I spent 12 years in Catholic school trying to understand dogmatic questions, and all I needed to do was watch this and Silence to really get the religion. I love when Scorsese approaches faith and humanity.
8. The Irishman
I think this movie cooks from first to final frame. It’s a real contemplation of death and legacy that only an older person could make. It contained some incredible performances and has so much heart.
7. The Wolf of Wall Street
This movie relishes all of the vices we know on this earth, but it shows us how ultimately empty money and debauchery can become. It reveals the facade placed on its title character, and Scorsese allows us to watch it create his moral decay.
6. The King of Comedy
There’s something important about how Scorsese treats people in his movies, even when they’re crazy. We can always identify with them, we always understand why they choose to do different things.
5. The Aviator
I really love this movie. I almost put it higher. I think it absolutely knows how to look at the idea of fame and genius juxtaposed against jealousy in American invention. And it’s sensitive and caring when it takes into account mental illness.
4. The Departed
This movie is endlessly rewatchable. It has you on the edge of your seat the whole time and allows Jack Nicholson to ham it up while we get two intense performances from Dicaprio and Damon. Everyone on screen uses their time so well.
3. Raging Bull
What can I say that has not already been written about this movie? It is so beautifully shot and so deep. It’s rise and fall of the main character contains a career-best performance from De Niro and maybe Pesci as well. It’s mean and unrelenting, and it will be seen as one of the best movies of all time.
2. Taxi Driver
For a long time, this was my number-one Scorsese movie. It’s a haunting look at America that keeps getting more and more prescient each year. Its political machinations get a hold of you, and I love debating the Taxi Driver ending.
1. Goodfellas
I have lost count of how many times I’ve watched this movie. It’s sort of a tale of the American dream, The one where you can imagine it and become it, but it is told from the other side of the tracks. And like any American dream, it can become a nightmare if you lose track of the ‘right way’. Even crime has a code.
Summing Up 11 Best Martin Scorsese Movies, Ranked
Of course, this is all subjective. So, if you have favorites or a different order, I want to know about them.
Let me know your individual ranking in the comments!
Author: Jason Hellerman
This article comes from No Film School and can be read on the original site.