About Brokenmount
The favorite gym of our activity is located in the Italian Alps, in the valleys surrounding the “broken mountain”. This is what we wanted to call her, even if her real name is different, due to the affinity with our trouble in the editing of the “broken” videos.

The childhood experiences with small compact cameras are the ones that left the best memories, even if technically the photos were a little shoddy.
The amateur nature photographer activity began in the early 80s with the availability of reflex cameras and powerful telephoto lenses, but everything changed twenty years later with the advent of the first affordable digital cameras.
Technology and market evolve further and in the early 2010s some digital cameras also provide high performance as video cameras.
Image: Ambrogio Corralloni at Brokenmount

Since then we have also dedicated ourselves to video shooting and we have had to learn many new things. Above all, it was necessary to devote much more time to our passion, because post production and video editing take much longer than photography editing.
Wildlife shooting has remained at the heart of our business, but we also engage in other types of shooting.
We use the plural to give respect and give credit to all the subjects who collaborate in our filming, from the humans who inform us, accompany us and help us, to the animals who lend themselves to acting as models for free and often in a very collaborative way.

Our online portfolio is not very large, but we still have a lot of material pending and we plan to make it available in a reasonable time.
Over the last twenty years we have collaborated with several microstock agencies. In recent times their sales and reward strategies for authors have changed very quickly, often to the detriment of authors who are asked more and more in terms of quality, quantity and time, but are rewarded less and less. For this reason we are currently collaborating only with two agencies that seem to us the most honest, consolidated and stable.
At our amateur level we do not get great revenues, but that little allows us to keep the equipment up to date and bear the expenses for travel.
A heartfelt thanks to those who appreciate our work and to those who support us by using our media in their projects.
December 2021
Ambrogio Corralloni