Sometimes an older genre needs to be completely shaken up. When you think about murder mysteries, you probably think about Agatha Christie, Murder She Wrote,…
One of the sacrifices of going wide is sometimes you give up f-stops. Sigma wants you to have it both ways with its new full-frame…
You can show your love for a beloved video game and demonstrate your filmmaking skills at the same time. This post was written by Stephen…
When Star Wars: A New Hope was released in 1977, a sequence with Jabba the Hutt was cut. Twenty years later, George Lucas added the…
Everyone’s heard of Adobe Photoshop. It’s even become a verb. But it also has a full suite of robust applications that cover any media needs…
Utilizing the sun to shoot day for night is a common practice. But how can you avoid fighting the shifts in natural light to shoot…
They say you’re always supposed to follow the money. One of the things about trying to write movies and TV shows is that if you…
Color grading workflows and tools have rarely changed in the digital age. Cinema Grade aims to change that. Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere, and…
Get all the materials you need to take your project to the next level. You know we love Film Crux here at No Film School.…
Olympus sold off its camera division to a Japanese company, and it relaunched as its own brand. Now the first new camera is here. And…