Did Game of Thrones fail one of our favorite characters because of lazy writing and the desire to subvert expectations? Fiction is wildly different from…
The extended universe of this movie’s extended universe is astounding. This year, the movie with the highest per-screen average so far is Everything Everywhere All…
Blackmagic takes a philosophically different approach as it moves in on remote cloud-based post workflows. It seems like everyone has been moving their post workflow…
DJI has released some impressive drones in an attempt to capture the crown. We found three drones from our Deals of the Week to see…
Would you want to see the longer version of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford? Andrew Dominik is one of the…
People thought Nic Cage was phoning it in for those VOD films. That’s not true at all. Nicolas Cage is singular. There’s no one who…
Knowing cinema history allows you to understand why things happen the way they do today. Have you ever wondered why we shoot movies the way…
What’s your favorite British movie of the last 20-odd years? Sometimes, the folks in Hollywood forget there is an entire world out there making movies.…
Your crypto is now accepted at all AMC movie theaters. Crypto is slowly entering the common space. We just learned the AMC mobile app now…
Are you behind on our Premiere Pro masterclasses? You can still catch up before the new class next week! Over the past few weeks, Creative…